Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Super Tax Exile Depardieu: "Putin Has Sent Me a Passport"

If France wants to deprive Gérard Depardieu of his nationality for moving to Belgium because he no longer wants to pay 75% to 85% of his income in taxes — in effect for going Galt — then plenty of other countries would be happy to have him join their communities.

Not only is the (soon-to-be-ex) French film star reported to have asked the Belgian government for a passport, but Raphaëlle Bacqué informs us that the (soon-to-become) Belgian film star also has received offers from places as far away as Montenegro (where Gégé has friends and does business) and Russia.
Depardieu a lancé qu'il pouvait déjà compter sur trois pays pour l'accueillir. La Belgique, où il vient d'acheter une maison, le Monténegro, où il a des amis et fait des affaires, et la Russie : "Poutine m'a déjà envoyé un passeport !", s'est amusé Depardieu.
Indeed, laughs Depardieu, Vladimir "Putin has already sent me a passport!"

Moreover, a friend of Nounours ("Teddy Bear" has been Depardieu's nickname since the actor started gaining weight many years ago) says that he started preparing to move out of the country "the very day after a Socialist president won the election" and that, in a way, he has decided "to embody the opposition to François Hollande and" to his prime minister.
"D'excellente humeur et décidé à incarner l'opposition à François Hollande et Jean-Marc Ayrault", assure l'un des convives, la star du cinéma français a expliqué en riant avoir préparé son départ "dès le lendemain de l'élection du président socialiste", tout en soulignant qu'il vit déjà la moitié de l'année à l'étranger.
Meanwhile, all the French government can do is give the (ex-French, soon-to-become-Belgian) film star lessons on the virtues of patriotism. As Minister of Industrial Renewal Arnaud Montebourg did recently in an interview with Le Monde's David Revault d'Allonnes, Cédric Pietralunga and Thomas Wieder

"Je n'ai pas une mentalité de déserteur"

Que vous inspire … l'affaire Depardieu ?

Tous les jours, nous nous battons pour inculquer à nos enfants les vertus du patriotisme. Je lui demande donc de rester dans la communauté patriotique de la France et de revenir chez nous. Je le dis avec grand respect pour ce qu'il est, pour son art et son oeuvre.
That's right — "every day," leftists the world over "fight to teach our children the virtues of patriotism." Patriotism — and "the patriotic community" — meaning, from the left's point of view, the duty to cough up whatever taxes the politicians have decided to put on our backs (often, in order to correct the previous lot of fiscally irresponsible policy decisions they made)…